Monday 31 October 2016

A poem

Hi, world.
This is a poem which I wrote about, what is in a poem.(I think that made sense).
Now here is the poem.


In every single poem
and all sweet stuff
My best memory
All cherished stuff

In every single poem
and everything about me
In every single poem

- Dreamer

Thursday 29 September 2016

Exams are finally over!!!!!

Hello ,the world I am back after a long time.

Lets have a virtual dance party, why you ask? read the title.

I was not active because I had my exams and we have all been there studying the night before and no sleep. I didn't mean that you should study overnight because if you did you would be asleep in the exam hall and all your efforts will be in vain.
I am just so relieved that my exams are finally over and it is holidays.

I had so many plans during my exam about what to do after exams, but now that the exams are over I am completely blank. You know the feeling that you have had all things planned but cannot be executed that is how I am. I thought of reading a lot of books, but now I don't have the mood, you know the mood that makes you feel excited to read something new or to finish the book you are reading. I had the mood of reading books during the exam. Have you ever felt like this before or now? ( I would love to know in the comments below)

Now I have decided to watch friends season one in                     
It is a very cool website in which I see series online(you should check it out * this is not sponsored )

Just have fun while it lasts you have only a few days and then you will have to go to school again and wait for the next holidays by counting the days or circling the day on the calendar or just longing for the holidays.

Okay, I guess am sure that is all for this blog, so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

This is how I am feeling right now

Monday 1 August 2016

Trilogy (Switches,Torn, Ascend)

Hello world, I am the dreamer.

I have recently read all the three books of Amanda Hocking. Switched. torn and ascend.
It was interesting but as the first two books ended abruptly ,I had the urge to read the next book.
I actually finished torn and ascend in two days, how crazy is that.

My expectations for the book was very high, but the ending was kind of not good. It was nice but not up to my expectations. 

I came to know about the book when I decided to write an eBook which was in an android app. The description in the books were really good and it makes you feel like you are in that place.

I would totally recommend this book to people who are in the age of 15 to 17. As I am only 13(going to turn 14 in Sep) I did not like that book very much.

I have not written a book review online and this is my very first one.
If you like what you read please do follow me and it would mean a lot to me.
I am sorry if this post is too short.

k, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

A true friend

Hey people, its the dreamer.(I change my introduction every time because I forgot the last one)

Being a true friend is hard.
A true friend doesn't mean that you have to always stick together and hangout together.
You should trust each other and your friendship should not break because of long distance(remember you friend is always in your heart or say a part of your heart).
You may not have so much in common but you understand each other and are happy.
 Remember that sometimes you may break up with your friends but you will get another friend before you even know it.
A true friend may not necessarily be your best friend but they can also be.

That's all this post is over.
I noticed that all of my posts( I have only four ) are short.
The reason is people like everything fast and very short attention span.

The end is just the beginning( this comes in ever after high)


Hello people I am dreamer.
"be yourself because everyone else is taken" by me (just kidding I don't know who wrote this).

This is actually a big issue people try to be someone, who they are not and try to fit in. To get friends or to get work done or to do something else.

You should first accept who you are and try to improve yourself to become a better person, not because people should like you.

Trust me if you wear a mask of who you want to be, then people will like you but when time passes they ultimately see your true self. Why do you have to wait do long to show you? You do you. You should go and love yourself(Justin Bieber reference).

 Embrace yourself and keep doing you and you will surprised by how much people will like you.

Hope this helps you ( if anyone is reading this) and comment below the tips I have left, I know I have left many tips because I am only Thirteen years old.

The end is just the beginning.

                                   If you dint read this post this picture tells you all.

Thursday 28 April 2016


Hello everybody I am back. Right now I am on my vacation and if you are also bored like me here are few tips to survive the vacations. So gets begin.

Number 1:
Finish your school/college work which is being assigned to you for your holidays. I know it sounds boring but it kind of kills time.(If you finish it before you don't need to procrastinate)

Number 2:
Take a walk to your neighbourhood and enjoy the buildings, scenery and maybe even the trees. You can make new friends too.(Finding new people with whom you ave something common is actually fun and cool)

Number 3:
Have a sleepover with your friends (only if your parents allow) and have loads of fun you have fun for 2 days.

Number 3:
Go online watch you tube or Netflix and chill and just have your time with yourself.

Number 4:
Discover yourself and do something you love.(Develop new interests)

These are few things which I feel will help you, and if you have more ways do comment below and follow me. Bye.

The end is just the beginning.

Wednesday 27 April 2016


Hey guys!! I was so inspired by "girl online" by zoella and decided to write a blog. My blog would revolve around what I love the most. I love editing videos and I use wonder share video editor( i am a beginner but it works for me). Don't expect this blog to be so interesting like girl online's because my life is not so interesting. I would also blog about travelling and writing stories. I published my very first children's book on September 5th 2015. I love robotics and you tube they are my life. If you have the same interests or you are are interested in my blog, please do follow me, I don't know much about blogging but I will learn about it and make it better than this. I promise.
The end is just the beginning.

P.S. Everything here is from my perspective only (I just wanted to make things clear)
And everything is my own content except the quotes I use.


                                          Have you ever looked in the sky and tried to figure out the shape of the cloud?
(This is totally irrelevant for this post)