Wednesday 1 June 2016


Hello people I am dreamer.
"be yourself because everyone else is taken" by me (just kidding I don't know who wrote this).

This is actually a big issue people try to be someone, who they are not and try to fit in. To get friends or to get work done or to do something else.

You should first accept who you are and try to improve yourself to become a better person, not because people should like you.

Trust me if you wear a mask of who you want to be, then people will like you but when time passes they ultimately see your true self. Why do you have to wait do long to show you? You do you. You should go and love yourself(Justin Bieber reference).

 Embrace yourself and keep doing you and you will surprised by how much people will like you.

Hope this helps you ( if anyone is reading this) and comment below the tips I have left, I know I have left many tips because I am only Thirteen years old.

The end is just the beginning.

                                   If you dint read this post this picture tells you all.

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