Wednesday 1 June 2016

A true friend

Hey people, its the dreamer.(I change my introduction every time because I forgot the last one)

Being a true friend is hard.
A true friend doesn't mean that you have to always stick together and hangout together.
You should trust each other and your friendship should not break because of long distance(remember you friend is always in your heart or say a part of your heart).
You may not have so much in common but you understand each other and are happy.
 Remember that sometimes you may break up with your friends but you will get another friend before you even know it.
A true friend may not necessarily be your best friend but they can also be.

That's all this post is over.
I noticed that all of my posts( I have only four ) are short.
The reason is people like everything fast and very short attention span.

The end is just the beginning( this comes in ever after high)

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